Faction War – Gallente Malitia
Helenia, King, and Bjorkenstien, launched from Dodixie station with orders from the militia command there to undertake the defence of a contested system which was under threat from the money grubbing Caldari and their obnoxious Amarrian Allies. The trip though high-security space or hi sec was uneventful, even though Helenia did get a glitch in her navigation systems at the start, with King in command of the squadron we warped along our route to the assigned system of Heydieles and supported the Gallente forces there securing three vital complexes, after a short dock in the local system we were joined by another pilot Bobie Blazer and we moved on to Okkamon to engage the Caldari directly and occupy their facilities.
Our first target was a Caldari Outpost which fell quickly it’s defending destroyers out matched by our speed and firepower, we enjoyed our victory momentarily and moved onto a complex here we faced difficulty with enemy pilots in larger ships moving in to attack us we decided that our ships were better served by leaving and moving on to another target in the system an outpost we overwhelmed the defences and dug in to take control in the name of the Federation, it was during this time that Bjorkenstien had problems with his navigation system and drifted away from the outpost and failed to make it back in time to help claim our victory he was so close but his afterburner lacked the thrust to get him back in time. Many times as we circled the outpost, we detected enemy pilots on our scanners but they were craven and chose not to close with us so that we could render them down to space dust in the name of Freedom with fatigue attacking our pilots we found a sanctuary station within the system well-hidden and an ally to the Gallente where we docked to recover ourselves and repair our vessels ready for the next attack to be launched.
Faction War - Caldari Malitia - Red coat edition
After the defection to the enemy the saga continues........
Mara-Jade paced the gantry looking at her destroyer waiting for the final fitting to be finished so she could launch and join her squadron mates, Bjorkstien who was a recent transfer in from of all places the Gallente Militia hell she’d probably been duelling with the guy in the conflicted systems, Freakie who she knew nothing about other than he was a tackle specialist, Han was the veteran apparently he’d also served with Gallente but she wasn’t sure about the rumours, and there was Aurilen he had apparently spent his time exploring in the Null Regions but had little actual combat time so he was the green kid of the group she hoped he didn’t end up as space dust too often, her alarm pinged and she saw her ship was ready so she boarded and launched for the combat patrol, her orders were simply rendezvous with the squadron defend occupied outposts and attack targets of opportunity.
The rendezvous went well and Han took fleet command due to his veteran skills in the area they warped into a large outpost and assumed a defensive patrol loop, enemy ships approached twice but withdrew quickly seeing the superior numbers and lacking the courage to attack us, on both occasions Freakie burned hard to get them in range of his tackle equipment but they escaped before he could reach them and we were deprived of our righteous fury. With the outpost secured there was little left to do but move on, Han led us into a Gallente Outpost in hopes we could capture it and weaken the system for other Amarrian and Caldari forces to arrive and secure the system, we were under attack almost as soon as we landed and as hard as we fought we were vanquished, Freakie fell first after tackling an enemy cruiser he was quickly destroyed by its escort Aurilen was the next to lose his ship with Mara loosing hers third although she escaped the disgrace of losing her pod and her clone she made the jump into warp speed quickly and returned to Jita Station to replace her ship and plan her revenge for the following week when she had already been told she’d be out again with the same squadron.
Mara Jade’s second patrol
Mara was furious there had been a terrible error with her clone not only had it taken her days to regain consciousness but when she had she had awoken in someone else’s body and worse yet she knew she was now in a Caldari national instead of her native Amarrian, she stalked to the dock and checked her ships readiness and was startled to find a Merlin waiting for her, she sighed and shook her head in resignation and climbed aboard and connected herself to the pod systems and took hold of the control stick and checked the weapon systems were ready, she took comfort in the fact that she was flying with people she knew with one exception who was a new rookie who had joined the squadron her name was Kirista.
Mara was wondering how it would fly out this time she knew they were on an offensive mission, she smiled tightly at the thought of attacking those cowardly rebellious slaves and the goody goody Gallente who supported them, she completed her final checks and engaged the engines and piloted her ship out of the Imperial Navy station and out into space where she entered comms with the others it was good to hear their voices again, to be a part of the squadron she was honest enough to admit she had fun doing this with this bunch of misfits and unwanted rookies. Han was organising the squadron into a rendezvous in Homigo while avoiding Adana which was a notorious system for the entry gates being camped by enemy pilots who lacked the courage to face pilots in fair combat.
The squadron rendezvous went well and the new guy Kirista introduced himself as a pilot fresh out of flight school on his first combat rotation but he claimed to be the best in his class at webbing and he was flying a Merlin kitted out for the job, Han, Picoloco, and King were joking with each other and Bjorkenstien the noble pilot who she’d flown with before were all keeping tight formation, they were about half way to their objective of Nagamanen when Kirista called for help as he gotten himself separated from the formation and then gotten lost and ended up two jumps away from the squadron, Han flew off to recover him which delayed the mission slightly.
Once the squadron was back together and on station in the Gallente held system we made for a large outpost that was being guarded by a battlecruiser of the Gallente nation it lasted barely a minute against our concerted attacks and we settled into to take over the outpost, two more battle cruisers warped in and attacked us we destroyed both quickly and efficiently, just then an enemy pilot appeared on our scanners he waited and watched holding his distance at 70km’s judging whether he had the courage to attack us, he was soon joined by a scabby pirate who he had no doubt payed handsomely to assist him Han decided that we should use a warp drop attack and we entered warp leaving the area no sooner had we left warp than we were back into it the enemy pilot had left we felt proud that we had scared him off his pirate friend hadn’t left but the cowardly vermin fled as soon as he detected us before Kiris could web him for our guns, we settled in to do our job and claim the outpost for the Caladari Navy.
Suddenly the enemy pilot returned to area this time having the gaul to be piloting a ship of the righteous Amarr Navy and a battle cruiser no less how he had acquired such a ship when he served the Gallente was beyond Mara after a brief discussion we engaged the scum quickly overpowering his shields and his armour our scanners showed his ship was falling apart when his verminous pirate ally returned and attacked us from behind we kept up our attacks desperate to bring down the defiler of Amarr property but the tide was turned on us we lacked the experience to deal with two obviously veteran pilots but we fought to the last and had the satisfaction of seeing the Gallente pilot reduced to barely a quarter of his hull strength before both he and scurvy compatriot defeated us and we ended up back in Jita in fresh clones, Mara opened her eyes stretched and laughed as she looked around at the grins of her fellow pilots despite the sting of being defeated it had been enjoyable and they had taken down some of the gallentean navy’s battlecruisers into the bargain “there’s always next week’s mission” she thought to herself.
Mara’s Third Patrol
Mara was happily browsing through the gun shop trying to pick between the 125mm and 150mm prototype gauss railguns for her ship, she knew on a practical level she couldn’t mount both but that didn’t stop her wanting them, When her alarm chimed in her ear and Bjorkenstiens voice came through her comms “we need back up Mara where are you?” Mara cursed she’d lost track of time and her friends and compatriots needed her she raced to her ship and launched as quickly as possible.
She plotted a course the staging point and began the 14-jump trip cursing all the way that her ship could go faster or wishing that it would as she entered and found her friends safely docked up in a local station.She docked up to join them “where’s Han?” she asked “dunno” replied Bjork she shrugged and checked he and Alfie were ok and then scolded them both for scaring her they launched as a trio and proceeded to a local outpost that needed support and secured it without a problem, Just as they were completing their final circuit of the outpost Han’s voice came over the comms “Sorry I’m coming I slept in” Mara laughed she couldn’t resist teasing him she knew he was married “Slept in? voluntarily or due to extra martial exercise?” she asked in an impish tone “voluntarily” came the guilty sounding reply
“yeah right” she teased
“Where are you now?” asked Alfie
“12 jumps away” Han replied
“ok we’ll wait for you before carrying on with working” Alfie teased
Han joined them as quickly as he could and the patrol continued our efforts to into a large outpost but Gallente resistance proved too much so we moved on preserving our ships for more productive results later or so we hoped at the time. Entering the neighbouring system we found things difficult and were forced to retreat time and again from securing outposts the final effort we made at a large outpost saw Han ambushed as Bjork, Alfie and Mara warped away, determined to help our friend the trio warped back just as Han screamed into the comms “abort don’t come, abort, abort” Mara’s voices was slightly irked as she replied “To late we’re in warp” seconds later the trio exited warp into a massive criminal ambush of nine ships consisting of destroyers, frigates and a cruiser the trio lasted moments and managed to get off a few desultory shots from their weapons before becoming space dust. Mara was perhaps the lucky one in that she escaped with her pod and later heard that Alfie had also gotten away with just the loss of his ship, Alfie docked in a local station while Mara flew her pod home to Jita to get a new ship and try and solve her shopping problem while she was at it.
" It was the best of times - it was the worst of times"
21/2/2018 2200hrs
******(retracted___classified___)/****retracted___classified___) Industry
Interview one:Rookie one(Name retracted level 1 clearance only)
''The rats were cruelly attacking our beloved station, Our CEO was heroically taking on all three of the devil rats.
I could stand by no more,I jumped into my death dealing corvette and sprung into action.
My laser smashed into the side of the rat, causing it to notice me.
The rat mercilessly tore my ship apart, with a blast of its anti miner lasers, with one final act i flung my burning wreck into the path of the rat targeting Our savior, Doing my duty but condemning myself
we won the battle but the cost was high
Some may call my action an act of untold bravery, others may mention medals. We will let history decide , as history is written by scholars and we are people of action''
*********Medal request rejected**Reason:only doing his duty*********No records in history book*******
Conclusion:Send Rookie one for testing as stories are becoming more elaborate*************************
***************End transmission****************
Delta Squadron attack on the Blood Pirate Forward Base
As usual the corporation of Exogen Foundation assembled for its weekly mining operation to build supplies for the corps’ industrial operations, one of the pilots Pedz moved out early to one of the belts and discovered blood pirate mining ships in operation, a sure sign that they had established a base in the system of Joppaya and would cause havoc for all efforts and operations in the system.
Pedz reported back through the Corp’s communications channel and wisely left the asteroid field he had entered to return to the refinery to discuss the situation with the other miners.
Bert suggested a crazy idea that we form a fighter wing and go attack the base in an effort to remove it and make the system safe for everyone, Thordarn agreed the idea was crazy but also agreed to try and help he’d some experience with combat ships from his early career as a capsuleer but he voiced his doubts as no one present had experience of attacking such structures
A consultation of station databases gave some idea on what was needed and other pilots began to volunteer to help in the effort, Tyler Seay who also had combat experience, Woland Pierce, and Bert’s brother/lover Ernie voiced their willingness to help, Thor said he’d take his pod and fly to the Amarr Trade Hub to purchase a warship so he could pitch in, while he was away one of the newer pilots to the Corporation,Phazed joined the conversation after having just woken up and linked in, he had experience of what to do with such stations and he volunteered to lead the attack. And so, Delta Squadron was formed.
Consisting of two Nestor Logistical ships a Raven a Stratios a Rattlesnake and another ship the squadron assembled off Exogen Holdings Refinery station in Joppaya and made ready to go to battle.
The Comms were checked and all pilots reported ready although nervous excitement was clear in every voice they were miners not combat pilots and what they were attempting was tantamount to committing suicide but the thrill of trying the certainty of the rightness of what they were doing was clear and strong and so on a final command from Phazed, they engaged their warp drives and flew to the pirate base, upon landing they immediately activated their shield boosters and launched their drones and commenced their attack runs on the station.
Phazed and Bert took positions and commenced their support beams onto the combat ships ordering their drones to assist in the attack Thor took a position along side Woland and a high station above Phazed and began launching his heavy missiles and guns at the station his watched his drone on the scanner fly in close and begin shooting with the others Tyler flew at a further range using his cruise missiles from his Rattlesnake heavy battle ship the enemy fleet warped in and began its attacks the boosted shields held the worst of the damage at bay for Thor and Tyler both of who the enemy fleet seemed to be attacking Pedz however was a prime target for them and he was blasted repeatedly with lasers from the enemy fleet the comms crackled as he cried out for help from Phazed and Bert they redirected their repair beams onto him, and horrifically the enemy turned on them and began their attacks on the pair of logistically ships with no choice they turned their repair beams on each other the pirates detecting the improvement in their systems turned their attention back to Pedz, but the damage on their station was telling explosions were becoming more and more clear and repeated as the stations armoured structured failed under the bombardment of missiles and railgun shot.
As the attack force of the enemy became more desperate in its efforts to protect its forward base Pedz came under repeated attack the capacitor on Phazed’s ship failed and he called to Bert for help for Bert to reply his own capacitor was nearly depleted and he was engaging his emergency boosters to try and replenish it Phazed acknowledged and set his system to overload in an effort to maintain his role in the fleet, then Thor called the station was about to blow and that everyone should clear the area, Phazed assured him that they were clear of the blast radius so the drones were recalled and with a final burst of firepower from Delta Squadron the station exploded in a ball of blue white light the enemy fleet kept up its attack intent on vengeance with no real experience in combat and the mission achieved everyone engaged their warp engines and flew to a structure in the system.
As they landed Bert’s voice floated across the comms “I left my drones behind can we go back?” Phazed and Thor agreed to go back as did Pedz expecting the enemy fleet to have dispersed with the destruction of the station and escape of the ships that had caused it but they were to be proved very wrong and when they returned the fleet was still there, in a somewhat foolish effort at an encore to destroying the station Delta Squadron briefly attempted to engage the remaining pirate fleet, but their efforts seemed to bounce off the ships clearly they had numerous logistical ships of their own and it was quickly agreed that discretion was the better part of valour and everyone disengaged and flew back to the Refinery to store their warships and bask in the unbelievable fact that they had pulled it off and destroyed the station Thor commented that the near thirty million isk reward for doing so from Concord was icing on the cake the squad agreed and laughing decided it was time to seek their bunks for the night and return to the real business of mining and industry on the morrow.
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