All of the ore goes to Exogen Foundation and it is used/sold for the manufacturing of ships etc. The profit made from this is used to pay for the cost of running the structures and services the New Miner's Union offers.
Any left over is paid out to all who join in with the weekly ops at the end of the month, this is based on the time you actively mined and not how much, so if you can only fly a venture please come, the isk at the end of the month will help you get a better mining ship.
For all ISK donations please make them to Exogen Holdings in game with the reason being 'structure donation'
For all ore donations please contract them to Exogen Foundation
We allow sponsorship of our stations, this includes the chance to name it.(All names are subject to approval and will be rejected/altered if seen as offensive)
Refineries are not cheap to run and each structure will cost us 3.1bill to buy, anchor and protect for one year. If you wish to sponsor the placement of a new structure please mail Minerbert in game.
To run an existing structure costs 1.2bill per year.
If you would like to sponsor an existing structure please send the ISK to Exogen Holdings with the reason 'Sponsor:(insert new name here)
All Structures bought and set up will be the property of Exogen Holdings for maintenance reasons and will not be transferred to anyone else.
All of the above helps us pay to run these structures for you to mine. by reducing the cost you help increase the profit shared back to you and the improvement of our services.
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