Hi my name is Minerbert and as The CEO of Exogen Foundation i would like to formally introduce my self, Seeing as i am Rook Templeton's boss it also means i am yours by default.
Due to the valued team work that Rook Templeton takes part in it is imperative that he has any time off he needs to attend these Vital tasks to help us hit our targets. This will also boost your mental health as the saying goes 'happy Rook, happy bert'
also due to the fact that he is part of the new miners union it will be expected that he is paid in full while he carries out his duties for the good of mankind and the corp profits.
As i consider the case closed i am not expecting to get a repy from you. But if you do feel the need to tell someone you wholeheartedly agree please tell someone that will be instrested.
Thank you
Hail bert
Father Mongole0 2:17
And the miners did decree this duty shall be their bane until the end'eth of the eve universe
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