ExoGen Foundation is an interstellar company specialising in Mining, Research and Production.
As a Foundation we dedicate ourselves to helping new players start their careers in EVE or help more experienced capsuleers to learn new skills.
We are Based in Amarr Empire space,
We are looking for:
+ Miners & Industrialists
Some of what we offer:
+ Fleet Support
+ Mining Ops
+ Mineral buy back
+ Profit share on indy builds
+ New pilots welcome
What we require
+ Relocate to Tash Region
+ Have and use Discord(even if just for listening)
We will help any way we can and point you in the right direction. If this is something you can consider yourself being part of,
feel free to join our channel: EG-F Public
We are all here to have fun and to help one another grow, and develop our skills here in the EVE universe. That is the point of a corporation, to leverage members and assets in order to assist members and the corporation to achieve its goals. Our primary areas of focus are mining and Industry, but we welcome all who wish develop in other skill sets.
1. Real life comes first.
2. No smack talk (unless instructed to do so. Used only during wartime)
3. No hostile actions towards another corp unless at war with that corp. (This includes flipping cans)
4. Hostile actions must be cleared by Minerbert or one of our Directors UNLESS in defence. If you are defending yourself the corp leadership will back you 100%
5. Enjoy yourself and encourage others to do the same :)
Pirates are not welcome in this corp.
Time off
If you need to take time off that is longer then a month inform a member of the leadership. Failure to do so will get you kicked from the corp after 2 months.
Altho we have access to stations we have none in corp. this makes us immune to any war decs so all we need to worry about are gankers.
Copyright © 2018 Exogen Foundation - All Rights Reserved.
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