As part of the new miners union please follow these rules:
1. Look before you laser. Don't mine someone else's rock. If someone does mine your rock, ask them nicely to move, as next time it may be you making the mistake.
2. Tag the rock you are mining, or are flying to. Tags are not to be used to reserve future rocks. If a tagged rock has no one mining for 5 minutes you are free to claim it.
3. Don't crowd, try to leave a reasonable space between you and the person mining next to you.
4. New belts only: In the newest moon belt, Anyone with multiple accounts are to keep them together, if you have drones out from multiple ships place them all one the one rock closest to you and mine the ones further out with lasers. as a group you may have 1 extra rock tragetted just for the drones
5.One human can mine with a fleet of up to 6 miners(ships) plus booster(Industrial Command ship) making it a total of 7 pilots. Or, as long as one human mine up to 6 rocks at a time, they can use any number of alts.
Since we have number of moons that fracture per day, we refer to the one that is most recent as "New Belt" / "Current Belt" / "Latest Belt" which would last till the next fracture, at which point that becomes the "New Belt" / "Current Belt" / "Latest Belt".
In the event that not all moon Ore is mined from the belts by the time a new fracture takes place, all previous moons are referred to "Old Belts" and at any given point there could be up to 4 of them.
One human can mine with a fleet of up to 6 miners(ships) plus booster(Industrial Command ship) making it a total of 7 pilots. Or, as long as one human mine up to 6 rocks at a time, they can use any number of alts.
If you have more than 1 ship, they need to be stacked in 1 place, rather than spread across the belt on high yield ore.
Type A crystals only to reduce wastage. No B or C crystals.
One Ship, One Rock. Please ensure all lasers and drones from a single ship are on the same rock. If you have Two ships, then you can cross mine Two rocks total etc.
Consider Using T1 or Ore Strip Miners which have no waste. However caution is advised as this is highly sough after by gankers and will make you a juicy target.
Consider Using Miner Drones 1 as they do not have any waste either.
Mine what you fancy
Use as many alts as you like
Spread across on any rock you feel like it
Use B Crystals if you want
Mine as many rocks as you like per ship
Whatever else you can think of that is not mentioned above.
And finally, this should really go without saying, but we will repeat for those new to the alliance.
We have a very clear NO ENGAGEMENT Policy with gankers and scouts. Zero communication in Local chat.
As part of Exogen foundation we also have these rules for our members, if possible please use them unless an alliance rule contradics it.
1. Keep your squad together. If you have a squad of alts please keep them close together and have all the drones from each of your alts on one roid.
2. if you are an orca pilot please spead out across the belt to enable maximum boost range across the belt.
3. tag the belt you are on with either a letter of number so others know where they can go. if they request you to retag please do so
4. Please mine the roids closest to you to help free up more space for those around you
5.join discord voice channel whis is : New Miners Union serve - General channel
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