Tonight we learned that one of our corp mates was stung by a sting ray while on holiday.
The venom made is vision super colourful and he basically turned into a superhero.
While we don't encourage people to get stung on purpose we congratulate our corp mate on a successful application to the Avengers. his Black Widows onesie is on order
Does size matter? - could the Charon be bigger?
As usual mining night is a weekly event to keep the corp light don the the heating set to high, all mined ores go toward the corp and profits are returned to its members.
Jump into our in game chat channel to find out more.
In war we should not claim victory on what we win, we should base it on what we loose.
Today I would like to say goodbye to an old friend, The Drake
Commissioned in September 2010 by the Danelandish Royal family it was extensively field tested in the proving grounds of Tower Hamlets. Its first mission was not one of war but one of peace, transporting many injured people from war zone of Wolverhampton to the safety of Stoke
Sure its design had become old and the updates had stopped in favour of newer more role definitive ships but it was a Drake, something you flew and just felt safe in.
More like a right of passage, its a ship your dad would buy you when you were learning to drive
In our home system we had a FOB.
The brave Pilots of Exogen were selfless in there unwavering commitment to the corp and system,
forming a fleet we warped into battle
Much if what happened we cannot talk about but in the eleventh hour of the attack, with the enemy on the verge of defeat they launched one last, focused, deliberate attack on The Drake
The ship held safe the pilot to the very end and with milliseconds to spare, jettisoning him out to safety
Thank you and Goodbye old friend
Its Wednesday night Mining Op Night !!
As you all know its a corp mining op with all proceeds to Exogen Foundation. It keeps the lights on the the production lines, producing. Corp mates from all across the world join and discuss the problems that face us like
Hyper Loop !! - who the hell wants to ride in this thing!!
Christmas Decorations - is it ever too early to put them up ?
On this day we also remember the millions lost during conflicts around the world. We remember them and thank them.
4th November 2020
Not even Mr Trump or Mr Biden get to interfere with Mining Op night.
In fact Exogen has just has its very own leadership challenge. Another member of the corp put forward a vote to become CEO. We are proud to announce the Minerbert won the vote with 118.5% of the vote.
Sadly the other candidate perished when his ship randomly exploded, we send our condolences to his family
Every Wednesday we throw together a fleet and go and bash some rocks. Exogen is a profit sharing corp with monthly dividends paid out to its members based on corp activity.
Want to know more?,
check out our in game public channel
5th November 2020
CCP have recently revamped the way its structures are maintained and deployed with the introduction of Quantum Cores.
Quantum cores need to be installed in all new structures that are being anchored after 13th October 2020 and installed in every structure regardless of when it was anchored after 12th January 2021
Prices are variable depending on your structure and start at 600 Million Isk
Find out more
Where else would you find one super attractive Lady name Becky piloting a huge intergalactic hauler?
That's right - mining night
Every Wednesday we host the weekly corp mining night.
Proceeds of the mine go to the corp because those lights dont stay on - on their own.
TS3 is the best place to join the op if you can
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