The New Miners Union strives to give the best mining experience available to all miners in the region, however to do this we must have some rules and expectations in place.
The first thing to remember is, that although the belts are technically public, they require a station to extract the ore from the moon which is funded 100% by the corporation owning the station that "blows" the moon so they are not free.
Access to NMU Moons is open to all friendly toward NMU but we ask you to do a few things while in our moons as a guest
*Join the in game channel 'Joppaya Moonpire Mining'
* Leave the latest belt to Alliance members unless instructed otherwise
*donate 10% of what you mined to one of our guest satisfaction team. these currently are :
Veddie Edder
James Johhnson
All Alts of NMU should be regestered so they can be marked as 10+ to prevent misunderstandings
If you notice someone mining where they should not, please raise this with NMU Leadership to deal with.
To make the station viable, our members take part in our mining ops once per week to mine ore that is directly donated to the corp. For this, all members that take part can mine the moon belts in the knowledge that the station can still operate and provide moon ore on an ongoing basis.
With the public nature of the belts, we politely ask Guest miners to mine the previous belt as there is generally a significant amount of ore left in the previous belt after the next one has been extracted so we regard the previous belt paid for. This helps with spreading out of miners and stops overcrowding.
However, we do respect the needs of our guest miners should the previous belt be empty, but to earn this, our supporting corporations and members expect that same respect in return. To gain the respect from our supporting corporations and members we ask our guests to follow these simple rules that benifit Everyone:
• Look before you laser. Make sure no one is mining the rock, that no one is sitting next to the rock, or that no drones are traveling to the rock.
• Leave at least 20k between you and the ship next to you
• Do not mine more asteroids than you have ships. If you have a single ship you may mine up to 2 rocks.
• Please only mine a maximum of 10% of the ore from any one moon. This makes sure there is enough for everyone and helps prevent arguements
• NMU do not have a limit on the number of ships you can mine with. We understand some people have all day, while some only have an hour. So long as you do not exceed the allowance, you are fine.
• Please do not cherry pick. Don’t just mine the bitumen. Please mine all ore equally.all ore is valuable and cherry picking makes it less fun for others.
• On Glistening Moons, please only use mining equipment with 0% wastage. No Aug / Mining 2 drones or crystals to help make sure there is enough for every one. there will always be another glistening belt.
This is subject to change to accommodate more people
If we all follow these rules, we will all get along just fine. If not, you will be a ninja miner. Our partners love to test their concord resistance on ninjas.
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